Depart from Hagerty Insurance in Golden, CO, or the Garden of the Gods Trading Post in Colorado Springs, depending on which is closer to your home. After a light breakfast and an orientation meeting, drive west to Buena Vista to our rendezvous and rest stop. Then we cross the Continental Divide on Monarch Pass to Gunnison for lunch. After lunch, we drive west on US 50 to Montrose and a rest stop, then south onto US 550 to Ridgeway and over the Dallas divide. We then proceed south on CO 145 to our dinner and overnight lodging in Telluride, CO.
In a Driving for Kids first, we will spend the entire day at the Telluride Cars and Colors Festival with a pancake breakfast, an air show, the British Concours (or Cool Cars on Colorado for those who aren’t in the concours), and then the Saturday Evening Hanger 29 British Invasion Event at the Telluride Airport with included appetizers and cash bar. This will entail a distinct, yet highly discounted, fee to the Festival organizers separate from the DfK entry fee.
Depart about 9:30 on CO 145 about 40 miles to our rest stop in Rico. Then we head southwest along the Dolores River to Dolores, then turn east to Durango to our lunch stop. After lunch, we head east on US 160 to our rest stop in Pagosa Springs, over Wolf Creek pass to our dinner and lodging in South Fork, CO. Those who must be at the office Monday, can continue on and be back in the metro area by 8:00 PM or so.
Depart about 9:00 eastward on US 160 to our rest stop in Alamosa, then on to our lunch at a cool BBQ place in Walsenburg. From there we head northwest on CO 69 to Westcliffe. We then turn east on CO 96 just a few blocks to a rest stop in Silver Cliff. After our stop we drive east on CO 96 on a lovely road to the junction with beautiful CO 67 and then north to CO 115 and Colorado Springs. From there the Denver folks head north on I-25 to Monument and CO 105 or continue all the way home on the Interstate. That will finish the Sixth annual Driving for Kids Run. You can be proud that you were with us for the most recent edition of this great event. See you next year!